Mirages of a Silver Bubble

Date: 2022
Material: Poetry, photography, AI-generated Images
Size: Variable

Artist Zhongyao Wang uses artificial intelligence tools to repeatedly overlay and generate new images on photographs taken by photographer Zhang Beichen on the shores of the Yellow Sea in China. The silver spherical architectural structure in the photo gradually transforms into ice cores containing methane gas locked in glaciers, as well as spherical objects like green algae releasing oxygen through photosynthesis beneath the sea surface. A poem describing climate change is hidden in the image like a tide, and as the words flow, the original real scenes in the photo are replaced by a pervasive poetic landscape. Scenes related to bubbles imply the various consequences of climate change. As the latter part of the poem suggests, when we look at this dim blue planet—Earth—from the universe, will it also be the illusion of a fragile bubble? The poem is immersed in images reconstructed by artificial intelligence, calling on us to cherish our only and vulnerable home.



A mirage of silver bubbles
shimmers beneath the fragile clouds.
In elusive waves it floats,
where twilight bounds with the lucid gleam of dawn.

These mellow shiny bubbles
awaken your distant memories.
On the other edge of the ocean,
where bubbles were trapped in the glacier, 
your keen ears captured some subtle sounds: 
bursting bubbles
deep cold murmurs
and long exhales
The glum melting sighs.

Are we sinking
or is the horizon expanding upwards?
On the swell of the incoming tides,
we bob gently downside up.
Our watery eyes are greeted by salt water.
Inadvertently nothing can escape the rippling sea.


non-verbal photosynthetic organism,
flows in fluorescence
like translucent emerald.
Bubbles rising from the ocean
paved the way for creatures
to crawl from water to the land.

A mirage of vulnerable bubbles.
Will it be the destiny of our home, 
when we recall it from the outer space? 
A pale blue dot
gradually blurred in the distance.

Thousands of clear light bulbs 
pulse with increasing heat. 
Accumulated deferrals
echo the sleeping moon,
till the light breaks.

Writing: Zhongyao Wang
Translating: Qianxun Chen