
Date: 2021
Medium: Installation
Materials: Air molds, blowers, lighting, nylon threads
Size: 2.3×1.34×2.9m

This work was commissioned by Beijing PLATESPACE, an independent art space.

Unlike art museums, independent art spaces in China are often funded by individuals and frequently face practical issues such as funding shortages and unstable venues. Therefore, how to make the best use of the unique and challenging PLATESPACE became the primary consideration when creating this artwork.

When an object within the space becomes the focus, the space becomes the subject of service. People tend to concentrate on the occupied area of the space, as if the quality of its service is closely related to the filled area. The artwork "8.84m³" attempts to draw attention to the special significance beyond the vacant area, reversing the roles of subject and object, reflecting respect for this space by maximizing every cubic centimeter.

From 3.08 square meters to 8.84 cubic meters, the meaning of the container is reshaped through the squeezing and folding of the space. For the work "8.84m³" in PLATESPACE, it is not just an exhibition environment, but more of a living space. The artwork is like a living organism, occupying a corner of Beijing's precious land, connected to the city through delicate threads, and thus elevating the space and the artwork to a relatively fair balance.



