Aleph Behind the Door

Date: 2021
Medium: NFT, Single channel digital videos
Size: 9: 16, 1080×1920dpi
Duration: 10” , 1 ’32”

This work is the artist's response to the "metaverse". The work is divided into two parts, and viewers can unlock and watch the content behind the door in the online exhibition by holding tickets to the artist's another series of works "Welcome to the Art World".

The title of the work comes from the collection of short stories "El Aleph" published by Borges in 1949. "The Aleph's diameter is approximately two or three centimeters, but the entire universe is contained within it, and its volume has not been proportionally reduced. Aleph is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet. In Jewish mystical philosophy, this letter refers to the infinite and pure god; it is said that its shape is a person pointing to the sky and the earth, indicating that the world below is a mirror, a map of the world above."

The emergence of the "metaverse" has turned the fantasy that only existed in magical realism into a reality in technology. The Aleph behind the door, seen today, is the Aleph on the screen, and through the screen, everyone can immerse themselves in a parallel world.

This set of works was auctioned on the NFT trading platform MetaOpus for 2.98 ETH on September 14, 2021.


尺寸:9: 16, 1080×1920dpi



